Distilling Knowledge from Large LLMs: Fine-tuning Mistral with LoRA

As large language models (LLMs) continue to advance, there is a growing need to distill their knowledge into smaller, more efficient models suitable for real-world applications. One promising approach is knowledge distillation via fine-tuning using techniques like LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation). In this article, we’ll dive into best practices for fine-tuning the 7B parameter Mistral model with LoRA.

The LoRA Advantage

Traditional fine-tuning updates all the weights of a pre-trained LLM, which can be computationally expensive and data-hungry, especially for large models. LoRA circumvents this by injecting trainable rank decomposition matrices into the LLM layers, enabling efficient adaptation to new tasks without modifying the original model weights.

Compared to full fine-tuning, LoRA requires significantly less compute and data, making it well-suited for fine-tuning models like Mistral. It has been shown to match or even exceed the performance of full fine-tuning on various tasks while using orders of magnitude fewer trainable parameters.

Selecting the Optimal LoRA Rank

The LoRA rank (r) determines the number of trainable parameters and directly impacts the model’s capacity to capture task-specific knowledge. A higher rank allows the model to better approximate the ideal fine-tuned weights, potentially improving performance. However, it also increases memory requirements and the risk of overfitting.

For Mistral, common ranks used are r=64 or r=128, though some have experimented with higher values like r=256 which can finetune around 8% of the model’s parameters. The optimal rank depends on the complexity of the task and dataset size – simple tasks may work well with lower r, while more complex ones may benefit from higher r.

Dataset Size and Quality

While LoRA is data-efficient compared to full fine-tuning, having sufficient high-quality training data is still crucial for achieving good performance. For a 7B model like Mistral, researchers recommend at least 50,000 examples for reasonable results, with 100,000+ examples often yielding better performance.

However, even smaller datasets of 1,000 – 10,000 carefully curated examples can be effective when using LoRA, outperforming full fine-tuning which requires much more data. Data quality and relevance to the target task are more important than sheer quantity – high-quality, curated datasets can outperform larger, noisier ones.

Using too little data (e.g. less than 1,000 examples) may lead to overfitting or poor performance. For very large datasets (>1M examples), full fine-tuning may be more effective than LoRA, depending on available compute resources.

Putting it All Together

So, what are the best practices for fine-tuning Mistral with LoRA? Based on current research, a good starting point could be:

  • LoRA rank (r) = 128
  • 10,000 – 100,000 high-quality, task-relevant examples

During training, it’s essential to monitor performance on a held-out validation set to select the best checkpoint and avoid overfitting. Additionally, increasing the LoRA alpha (lora_alpha) can help counteract a lower rank but may introduce instability.

Distillation Approaches

Beyond LoRA, researchers have explored various distillation approaches for transferring knowledge from large LLMs to smaller models:

  1. Reverse KL Divergence: Replacing the standard forward KL divergence loss with reverse KL can prevent the student model from overestimating low-probability regions of the teacher LLM’s distribution, making it more suitable for generative tasks.
  2. Multi-Task Learning with Rationales: Training the student on two tasks – label prediction and rationale generation, where rationales are intermediate reasoning steps extracted from the LLM teacher. This creates an explicit connection between inputs and outputs.
  3. Data Augmentation: Leveraging data augmentation to generate context-rich, skill-specific training data from the LLM teacher. This helps the student model approximate the teacher’s contextual abilities and ethical alignment.

The Future of LLM Distillation

As LLMs continue to grow in size and capability, techniques like LoRA and knowledge distillation will become increasingly important for making these models accessible and deployable across a wide range of applications.

By following best practices, leveraging the latest research, and adhering to legal and ethical considerations when working with LLM outputs, practitioners can effectively distill the knowledge from large models like Mistral into smaller, more efficient models tailored to their specific needs.

The possibilities for LLM distillation are vast, paving the way for a future where the power of large language models is available to everyone, regardless of computational resources.

QA-LoRA: Fine-Tune a Quantized Large Language Model on Your GPU

State-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) are pre-trained with billions of parameters. While pre-trained LLMs can perform many tasks, they can become much better once fine-tuned.

Thanks to LoRA, fine-tuning costs can be dramatically reduced. LoRA adds low-rank tensors, i.e., a small number of parameters (millions), on top of the frozen original parameters. Only the parameters in the added tensors are trained during fine-tuning.

LoRA still requires the model to be loaded in memory. To reduce the memory cost and speed-up fine-tuning, a new approach proposes quantization-aware LoRA (QA-LoRA) fine-tuning.

In this article, I explain QA-LoRA and review its performance compared with previous work (especially QLoRA). I also show how to use QA-LoRA to fine-tune your own quantization-aware LoRA for Llama 2.


The Novice’s LLM Training Guide


A modern Large Language Model (LLM) is trained using the Transformers library, which leverages the power of the Transformer network architecture. This architecture has revolutionized the field of natural language processing and is widely adopted for training LLMs. Python, a high-level programming language, is commonly used for implementing LLMs, making them more accessible and easier to comprehend compared to lower-level frameworks such as OpenXLA’s IREE or GGML. The intuitive nature of Python allows researchers and developers to focus on the logic and algorithms of the model without getting caught up in intricate implementation details.

This rentry won’t go over pre-training LLMs (training from scratch), but rather fine-tuning and low-rank adaptation (LoRA) methods. Pre-training is prohibitively expensive, and if you have the compute for it, you’re likely smart enough not to need this rentry at all.