𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐐&𝐀

In the realm of document retrieval and search, combining cutting-edge technologies can lead to powerful and efficient systems. This article explores the integration of Qdrant, ColQwen, and MOLMO to create a sophisticated document retrieval pipeline that prioritizes privacy and on-premise deployment.

Qdrant: Multi-Vector Capabilities

Qdrant is an open-source vector similarity search engine designed for high-performance at scale. Its multi-vector feature allows storing multiple vectors per object within a single collection, offering several advantages:

  1. Flexible Vector Configuration: When creating a collection, users can specify multiple named vectors with different parameters, allowing for diverse representation of documents.
  2. Independent Indexing: Each vector type can have its own indexing method and parameters, optimizing search performance for different aspects of the documents.
  3. Shared Payload: All vectors for an object share the same payload, reducing storage redundancy and simplifying data management.
  4. Versatile Querying: Searches can target specific vector types or combine multiple vectors, enabling complex and nuanced retrieval strategies.
  5. Efficiency: The multi-vector approach reduces the need for multiple collections, streamlining data organization and retrieval processes.

MOLMO: Multimodal Open Language Model

MOLMO (Multimodal Open Language Model) is a family of open vision-language models developed by the Allen Institute for AI. Key features include:

  1. Architecture: Based on Qwen2-7B with OpenAI CLIP as the vision backbone, allowing for processing of both text and images.
  2. Training Data: Utilizes the PixMo dataset of 1 million highly-curated image-text pairs, enhancing its understanding of visual and textual content.
  3. Performance: Competitive with proprietary models, performing between GPT-4V and GPT-4o on academic benchmarks and human evaluation.
  4. Open-Source: Fully accessible to the research community, promoting transparency and further development.
  5. Versatility: Capable of handling various multimodal tasks, including image description, visual question answering, and more.

ColQwen: Efficient Visual Document Retriever

ColQwen is a visual retriever model based on Qwen2-VL-2B-Instruct, implementing the ColBERT strategy. Key aspects include:

  1. Multi-Vector Representation: Generates ColBERT-style multi-vector representations of text and images, allowing for nuanced document understanding.
  2. Dynamic Image Processing: Handles images without resizing, up to 768 image patches, preserving original visual information.
  3. Efficiency: Designed for fast retrieval from large document collections, making it suitable for real-time applications.
  4. Adaptability: Utilizes low-rank adapters (LoRA) for fine-tuning, allowing for domain-specific adaptations.
  5. Multimodal Capability: Processes both textual and visual elements in documents, enabling comprehensive document analysis.

Integrating Qdrant, MOLMO, and ColQwen for Secure, On-Premise Document Retrieval

Document Processing:

  • Use ColQwen to generate multi-vector representations of documents, capturing both textual and visual aspects.
  • Employ MOLMO for additional multimodal feature extraction and understanding.

Indexing with Qdrant:

  • Leverage Qdrant’s multi-vector capabilities to store ColQwen’s vectors and MOLMO’s features efficiently.
  • Utilize Qdrant’s flexible indexing to optimize storage and retrieval for different vector types.

Query Processing:

  • Generate query representations using ColQwen, capturing multiple aspects of the search intent.
  • ColQwen processes the query text and any associated images (if applicable) to create a multi-vector representation.
  • This multi-vector query representation aligns with the document representations stored in Qdrant, enabling precise matching.

Retrieval and Ranking:

  • Perform similarity search in Qdrant using the multi-vector representations.
  • Utilize Qdrant’s advanced filtering and hybrid search capabilities for refined results.

Result Enhancement:

  • Apply MOLMO to extract additional information or generate summaries from retrieved documents.

Privacy and Security Advantages

  1. On-Premise Deployment: All components (Qdrant, ColQwen, MOLMO) can be deployed locally, ensuring complete data isolation and control.
  2. Customizable Security: Local deployment allows for tailored security measures aligned with specific organizational requirements.
  3. Compliance: Facilitates adherence to strict data protection regulations by keeping all processing in-house.
  4. Confidentiality: Ideal for organizations dealing with sensitive or proprietary documents, as all operations occur within the controlled environment.
  5. Offline Capability: The system can operate entirely offline, providing an additional layer of security against external threats.


The integration of Qdrant’s multi-vector capabilities, ColQwen’s efficient document representation, and MOLMO’s multimodal understanding creates a powerful, secure, and privacy-focused document retrieval system. This approach allows organizations to leverage advanced AI technologies for document analysis while maintaining complete control over their sensitive information, making it particularly valuable for industries dealing with confidential data, such as legal firms, healthcare providers, financial institutions, or government agencies.

MOLMO on Hugging Face

Qdrant’s documentation

ColQwen2 on Hugging Face

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User-Centric RAG

Transforming RAG with LlamaIndex Multi-Agent System and Qdrant

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models have evolved significantly over time. Initially, traditional RAG systems faced numerous limitations. However, with advancements in the field, we have seen the emergence of more sophisticated RAG applications. Techniques such as Self-RAG, Hybrid Search RAG, experimenting with different prompting and chunking strategies, and the evolution of Agentic RAG have addressed many of the initial limitations.


Why use a RAG ?

Increasingly more business are leveraging AI to augment their organizations and large language models (LLMs) are behind what’s powering these incredible opportunities.

However the process of optimizing LLMs with methods like retrieval augmented generation (RAG) can be complex, which is why we’ll be walking you through everything you should consider before you get started.


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Challenges of NLP in Dealing with Structured Documents: The Case of PDFs


  • NLP’s expanding real-world applications face a hurdle.
  • Most NLP tasks assume clean, raw text data.
  • In practice, many documents, especially legal ones, are visually structured, like PDFs.
  • Visual Structured Documents (VSDs) pose challenges for content extraction.
  • The discussion primarily focuses on text-only layered PDFs.
  • These PDFs, although considered resolved, still present NLP challenges.


RAG: Multi-Document Agents

  • Multi-Document Agents guide explains how to set up an agent that can answer different types of questions over a larger set of documents.
  • The questions include QA over a specific doc, QA comparing different docs, summaries over a specific doc, and comparing summaries between different docs.
  • The architecture involves setting up a « document agent » over each document, which can do QA/summarization within its document, and a top-level agent over this set of document agents, which can do tool retrieval and then do CoT over the set of tools to answer a question.
  • The guide provides code examples using the LlamaIndex and OpenAI libraries.
  • The document agent can dynamically choose to perform semantic search or summarization within a given document.
  • A separate document agent is created for each city.
  • The top-level agent can orchestrate across the different document agents to answer any user query.


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