Graph-Based Prompting and Reasoning with Language Models

  • Advanced prompting techniques (e.g., chain of thought and tree of thought) improve the problem-solving capabilities of large language models (LLMs).
  • These techniques require LLMs to construct step-by-step responses.
  • They assume linear reasoning, which differs from human reasoning involving multiple chains of thought and insights combination.
  • This overview focuses on prompting techniques using a graph structure to capture non-linear problem-solving patterns.

Graph Prompts

The Novice’s LLM Training Guide

A modern Large Language Model (LLM) is trained using the Transformers library, which leverages the power of the Transformer network architecture. This architecture has revolutionized the field of natural language processing and is widely adopted for training LLMs. Python, a high-level programming language, is commonly used for implementing LLMs, making them more accessible and easier to comprehend compared to lower-level frameworks such as OpenXLA’s IREE or GGML. The intuitive nature of Python allows researchers and developers to focus on the logic and algorithms of the model without getting caught up in intricate implementation details.

This rentry won’t go over pre-training LLMs (training from scratch), but rather fine-tuning and low-rank adaptation (LoRA) methods. Pre-training is prohibitively expensive, and if you have the compute for it, you’re likely smart enough not to need this rentry at all.

The complete guide to LLM fine-tuning

Pre-trained large language models (LLMs) offer impressive capabilities like text generation, summarization, and coding out of the box. However, they aren’t universally suitable for all tasks. Sometimes, your LLM might struggle with a specific task. In such cases, one option is to fine-tune the LLM, which involves retraining the base model on new data. Although fine-tuning can be complex, costly, and not the initial solution, it’s a potent technique that organizations using LLMs should consider. Understanding the mechanics of fine-tuning, even if you’re not an expert, can guide you in making informed decisions.

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Natural Language Understanding

A free Stanford course


Stanford School of Engineering

This project-oriented course focuses on building efficient and reliable models for understanding human language, drawing from linguistics, natural language processing, and machine learning. It covers tasks like contextual language representation, information retrieval, and NLU model evaluation. The course involves hands-on work to build baseline models and develop original models for class-wide competitions. The second half of the course is dedicated to an individual project in natural language understanding, following best practices in the field and incorporating topics like evaluations, semantic parsing, and grounded language understanding.

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Fine-Tuning Embedding for RAG with Synthetic Data

This repo shows you how to fine-tune an embedding model to improve RAG performance even if you don’t have labelled data (i.e. positive pairs of query/relevant documents).

We walkthrough step-by-step the process of generating a synthetic dataset with LLM, finetuning an opensource embedding model, and finally evaluating the finetuned model.

We experiment with a small scale dataset of financial PDF documents, and show that finetuning the embedding model can substantially improve retrieval performance.

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Optimizing LLM latency

  • Fastest Inference: mlc stands out as the fastest, prompting a need to assess its quality despite its impressive speed.
  • Favorite Tool: CTranslate2 is the preferred choice due to its speed and user-friendliness, supported by excellent documentation. It lacks distributed inference unlike vLLM.
  • vLLM Performance: vLLM is also fast but CTranslate outperforms it in speed. However, vLLM supports distributed inference, making it suitable for larger models.
  • Text Generation Inference (TGI): An acceptable choice for deploying HuggingFace LLMs traditionally, but not as swift as vLLM. Offers features like telemetry and HF ecosystem integration. Note that TGI’s licensing has become more restrictive as of 7/28/2023, potentially limiting certain commercial uses.
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Advanced Prompt Engineering

The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized problem-solving approaches. In the past, tasks like document reformatting or sentence classification necessitated creating specific computer programs. LLMs have transformed this process, enabling tasks to be accomplished through textual prompts. For instance, reformatting documents can be achieved by instructing an LLM. This shift was exemplified by GPT-3’s ability to achieve accurate results with minimal guidance.

As LLM research progressed, more sophisticated techniques emerged beyond basic prompting methods like zero/few-shot learning. Instruction-following LLMs (e.g., InstructGPT, ChatGPT) prompted investigations into tackling complex tasks. The goal was to extend LLMs beyond simple problems, requiring them to comprehend intricate instructions and execute multi-step reasoning. However, such challenges demand advanced prompting strategies due to their complexity.

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Large Transformer Model Inference Optimization

Large transformer models are mainstream nowadays, creating SoTA results for a variety of tasks. They are powerful but very expensive to train and use. The extremely high inference cost, in both time and memory, is a big bottleneck for adopting a powerful transformer for solving real-world tasks at scale.

Why is it hard to run inference for large transformer models? Besides the increasing size of SoTA models, there are two main factors contributing to the inference challenge (Pope et al. 2022):

  1. Large memory footprint. Both model parameters and intermediate states are needed in memory at inference time. For example,
    • The KV cache should be stored in memory during decoding time; E.g. For a batch size of 512 and context length of 2048, the KV cache totals 3TB, that is 3x the model size (!).
    • Inference cost from the attention mechanism scales quadratically with input sequence length.
  2. Low parallelizability. Inference generation is executed in an autoregressive fashion, making the decoding process hard to parallel.

In this post, we will look into several approaches for making transformer inference more efficient. Some are general network compression methods, while others are specific to transformer architecture.

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